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Scholarship Winners

Meet Keonna Spates - ATLTC 2023 Winner


TCATL Scholarship Flyer 2022 Updated 3-27-2022.jpg
ATL Scholoar.JPG
  • Graduated from Jonesboro High School May 26, 2022

  • Incoming Freshman Band Student Majoring in Psychology minor in Business or Art

  • She performed community service with the Heaven Bound Ministry. 

  • Her hobbies are arts and sewing and occasionally skateboard.

Meet Keonna Spates - ATLTC 2023 Winner


Ms. Keonna Spates

Winner's Essay Response

Why should you select me for your scholarship?

"Love life, live happily, and learn from your mistakes." These are the words I live by everyday that help me strive to become a better version of myself. They remind me that there are bigger things in life than the little inconveniences. It helps me continue even if the going gets tough. As long as I keep a strong mind and these words, I believe that I will be able to accomplish anything that I put my mind to.


I think of myself as an optimistic, go-getter who believes in the statement "If you believe it, you will achieve it". I am a Georgia girl through and through even though people like to talk about how I was raised in Illinois. Georgia is my home, and where I have made most of my friends and realized where I want to be in life. After previous encounters, I have realized that I'm good at giving people a listening ear and unbiased judgment no matter the person. Which helped me come to the conclusion of becoming a therapist and since I want to be able to help as much as possible, I want to even get my PhD.


I believe I deserve this scholarship for the pure fact that I believe that your investment in me will not be wasted. I am fully dedicated to the image that I see for myself in the next few years. I want to be able to help and support people the way I was supported throughout my life by my mother. She is my driving Force to do all these amazing things.


The reason why I chose Talladega college is because I want to attend a HBCU. I want to be able to be surrounded by people who look like me and put in the work to be there. I also wanted to be away from home but not too far where it is a hassle to get back home. Learning that it is a two hour drive, I was set. On top of the fact that I received a $7500 scholarship from the band to pay for my tuition, I knew that Talladega was the place for me.


If I do receive this scholarship, it would help my mom out tremendously because she likes to remind me that she won't be able to pay for all the fees because she doesn't have money like that. She is a single mom taking care of her three children. With that, she pushes me to do the things that she was never able to do. In short, attending Talladega wouldn't just help me in my goals of being a therapist, it would also help my mom achieve her goals of seeing me have a better life than hers.


Now I believe that my attendance to Talladega college would be beneficial to the college because of the main fact that I have connections to younger people who are about to get ready to graduate high school. I could even put in a good word to the point where even more scholars like myself would attend the college just like the alumni of my high school did.

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